Sunday Worship 10 am -  at Senior Center

60 South Main Street, Driggs, Idaho 83422

    Sunday School and Greeting Time after service. 

The Gospel Study Colossians at 9 am prior to service.

March 16th - Women's lunch after church service at the Royal Wolf. 

Help us help others with 4th Sunday Food Bank Drive. Canned tuna, cereal, Chili, Pasta and Peanut Butter. Egg Cartons and Clean Bags as well. 

Set up, greeters, music ministry and slide personal needed for Sunday Church Services. Please see an elder. Every little bit helps.

Reach Out

If you'd like to get involved with CiT and members of the congregation, feel free to reach out to us via email  churchinthetetonsidaho@gmail.comor a Facebook message or P.O Box 1318 Driggs, Idaho 83422. Phone 208-354-4673


Mission Statement of Church in the Tetons:

In response to God's love for us,

we seek to be a biblically grounded,

Christ centered Gospel shaped,

mission focused community

serving Teton Valley and the world to the glory of God.


  • It is our hope that you too take pride in knowing you are part of a church family that actively lives out the gospel. All are welcome.
  • Phone 208-354-4673